What Materials Can Block a Wi-Fi Signal?

What Materials Can Block a Wi-Fi Signal?

Have you ever suffered from poor Wi-Fi reception for your smartphone, tablet, or laptop? Certain materials can actually block a Wi-Fi signal; do you think that could be part of your problem? In this science project, you will do an experiment to find out which materials cause the biggest drop in signal strength from a wireless router.

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Did You Know We Can Garden in Space?

Did You Know We Can Garden in Space?

Lettuce, zinnias, peas, and radishes are just some of the plants that have found their roots in space. But what does this mean for our future?

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Plants Can Talk to Each Other?

Plants Can Talk to Each Other?

There is nothing that signals the start of summer like the smell of fresh cut grass, but did you know that smell is actually a kind of plant communication?

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You Should Really Thank the Fruit Flies

You Should Really Thank the Fruit Flies

Would you believe that your genes are super similar to a fruit fly’s? They’ve been helping us discover our own bodies for years, here’s how…

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