You Should Really Thank the Fruit Flies

Those pesky kitchen pests have helped us out more than you may think!

You’ve swatted them from your food and may have killed a handful inside of traps, but did you know that fruit flies have several genetic similarities to us humans? We’ve got a lot to thank them for, and today, we learn some of the interesting things they’ve helped us discover! 

Those pesky kitchen pests have helped us out more than you may think!

You’ve swatted them from your food and may have killed a handful inside of traps, but did you know that fruit flies have several genetic similarities to us humans? We’ve got a lot to thank them for, and today, we learn some of the interesting things they’ve helped us discover!

It’s pretty amazing how we’re all connected, isn’t it? We can learn so much about ourselves and our world by simply studying the other species that inhabit it.

So, what other creatures have we learned from? For starters, we’re discovering how to more efficiently design our world from the master designer itself: nature. Take a look at how biomimicry is changing how we develop solutions in this article!