The water and oil do not mix and the oil doesn't change color because the food coloring is water soluble. The Alka Seltzer reacts with the water to make bubbles of carbon dioxide. ... When the bubbles pop the blobs of colored water fall back to the bottom of the glass. This lava science experiment is sure to WOW your kids.

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Rub-a-dub-dub, there’s pepper in my tub! In this experiment, you’ll use pepper floating on water to demonstrate how soap affects the surface of water. This is a quick experiment, but it’s so fun to watch that you’ll want to repeat it several times.

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Changing flower’s color

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-Natural source of electricity by using wind turbines we can use the energy in wind to do work. The energy in wind comes from the sun , as long as the sun shines there will be winds on the earth . We will never run out of wind energy it’s renewable energy source. Its also free since no one can own the sun or the earth. Today wind energy makes a small amount of the electricity we use and there are more plans for many more in all over the world. Chat conversation end Type a message...

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The rate of diffusion refers to how quickly or slowly this process happens, in this experiment, we will first be looking how diffusion occurs hot or cold homogeneous mixtures, A homogeneous mixture is one that is made up of materials that are eventually distributed throughout the mixture using food coloring as our solute or materila to be dissolved we will watch and observe the rate of diffusion occuring th both hot and cold water solvent . Then, we can explore how

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collect and conserve seeds from 10% of world flowering plants-make many seeds available for researches through benefit-sharing agreements according to convention and biological diversity CBD-collect and conserve seed from UK species producing bankable seeds- by 2020 the aim from this projects isto secure the safe storage of seed from 25% of word bankable plants

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Elementary school is all about learning from experiences, and the best way to do that is by experimenting what you want to learn. Projects and visuals help you to learn very easily as well. I've done a lot of projects and experiments throughout my school years and that helped me a lot. One of my favorites was from my chemistry class where I got to mix two solid elements to create a purple gas consistency that got everyones attention. The whole class turned purple because of our experiment. Not only was it unforgettable but it was also fun to learn.

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