Plants Can Talk to Each Other?

So, that “freshly mowed grass smell” that you and I love? That is actually a warning sign from your lawn to fellow plants that danger is about.

Plants communicate using pheromones that can not only be understood within a species, but also by their neighbors.

This fascinating bit of science serves as an important reminder that there is so much out there for us to learn if we try and look at the world the way other organisms do.

Here’s TED-Ed with this incredible story…

Sidenote: As you know, we at EWC absolutely love TED! If you want to see more thought-provoking TED Talks, check out some of our favorites here!

How much is out there that we have yet to discover because we look at the world with anthropocentric eyes?

Facts as ubiquitous as knowing that whales communicate with song, or that there are species that live in the deepest depths of the ocean are relatively recent discoveries!

The more we try and think in terms of other species, the more we can understand the complexities of our world. Communication is not just a human trait, it appears in life all the way down to single-celled organisms that have the ability to “talk” with one another.

Animals might be able to communicate more than was once thought too! Check out our article on that here:

I am continuously astounded by how much we don’t know. There are endless questions to be asked, discoveries to be made, and connections to uncover! We must be willing to keep asking questions.

Perhaps it is simply still an amazing world because every great question still leads to another.

Stay beautiful & keep laughing!


“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.”-Victor Borge

Liesl can be found on Instagram @Liesl.UV


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