Is it the Age of the Bacteriophage?

Is it the Age of the Bacteriophage?

A tiny, powerful hero in the face of antibiotic resistance is living all around us. Meet the bacteriophage: bacteria’s natural sworn enemy and the deadliest organism on the planet that, amazingly, doesn’t harm us at all.

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There’s a Common Language We All Speak!

There’s a Common Language We All Speak!

You are fluent in a language that you don’t even realize you know! And it might be a place we can find some real fun and eventually share the struggle for connection.

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Understand the Design of Anything

Understand the Design of Anything

“Good design” is about making our lives easier without our noticing. How we interact with a thing or with a space, or even a person, has a lot to do with how they look and how those looks make us interact with them. Can flags teach us about the design of…anything

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What Do Pirates, Nurses, and Buckminster Fuller Have in Common?

What Do Pirates, Nurses, and Buckminster Fuller Have in Common?

What do pirates, nurses, and Buckminster Fuller have in common? They are the rebel designers of history who show us what the future of design may start to look like!

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When Art and Science Intersect

This isn’t a photograph of the Getz Ice Shelf, its a drawing! Zaria Forman creates large-scale depictions of glaciers, and NASA’s Operation IceBridge invited her on a trip to get even closer to them. Here’s that story and the gorgeous creations that came from it!

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The Beautiful World of Bacteria

The Beautiful World of Bacteria

Before you cringe, bacteria aren’t all “scary” or “bad”. In fact, bacteria are not only beautiful, they are essential to keeping us healthy and alive! So here are some of the artists and scientists who are celebrating the wonders of the microbial world.

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Meet the World’s Fastest Animal

Meet the World’s Fastest Animal

Turns out, we can team up with nature’s quickest creature to increase our productivity and reduce our impact on the environment! Without further ado, let’s make the introduction.

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Insects Have Never Looked So Good!

Insects Have Never Looked So Good!

The amazing, intricate structures of insects are something that belongs in museums—oh wait, they’re already there! Photographer Levon Biss has teamed up with one exhibit to bring us closer than we’ve ever been to these tiny creatures with his Microsculptures. You’ll never look at a bug the same way after you see these.

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How a Tiny Creature Makes Us Ask Better Questions…

How a Tiny Creature Makes Us Ask Better Questions…

The jerboa may look like the tiny rodent cousin of the t-rex, but the skeletons of these strange creatures are helping us answer questions with major implications in medicine.

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What if You Could Record All of Your Memories?

What if You Could Record All of Your Memories?

Want more control over your life? This piece of wearable technology may help us all do just that by recording our experiences. The creator of this innovation tells us all about the ways this can be utilized, from understanding ourselves better, to making better decisions, to assisting Alzheimer’s patients. Check this out!

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Dressed for Survival

To avoid being eaten, decorator crabs have developed quite the unique ability to disguise themselves! Discover how they do this, and then stay tuned for a final, very flashy, guest crab.

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What Do Bears, Frogs, and Gardening Have in Common?

What Do Bears, Frogs, and Gardening Have in Common?

You may not expect urine to be the topic in an article about insight and innovation, but here we are. Today we discover how a few animals recycle their own to keep themselves healthy and the steps that we humans are taking to join the party!

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