The Beautiful World of Bacteria

Have you ever sat in awe, delighted by the sight of bacteria? No? Well, let’s see if we can change that.

Image: Bacteria art

Source: Mehmet Berkmen and Maria Penil // Wikimedia

So, what is bacteria?

Image: illustration of animal cell, plant cell, and bacteria cell

Source: Encyclopedia Britannica

Bacteria are microbes; organisms that are too small to be seen without a microscope. Generally, microbes include bacteria, archaea, fungi, protists, and viruses. As a group, they’ve been around for at least 3,500 million years and, for a long time, were the only form of life present on this earth!  1

But unlike most other organisms, the cells of bacteria are very simple; containing no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles. 2 Take a look at the illustration to the right and see how they differ from the typical plant and animal cells!

So, why does all this matter to help reframe our understanding of bacteria? Well, it’s helpful in explaining that not all bacteria are horrible. They won’t all cause strep throat or make us sick. In fact, the vast majority of bacteria are completely harmless and even really beneficial to humans. Our bodies wouldn’t be able to function correctly without the help of the bacteria in our microbiome!


Meet Your Microbiome!

Did you know you are home to millions of invisible creatures? Say hello your microbiome, the ecosystem of microscopic organisms that help keep you alive!


Bacteria are beautiful!

Bacteria, both good and bad, live in almost every environment on the planet. “Good bacteria” are in some of our favorite foods, like cheese and yogurt, keep us alive, and enable ecosystems to thrive.

With all these wonderfully diverse bacteria populations living out there, one of the most fascinating places to study them has to be in cities. Take New York City for example, where people from around the globe are visiting daily and bringing along their personal bacteria collection for the ride!

Now, that might gross you out, but remember: not all bacteria are bad. In fact, when swabbed and cultured, the bacterial world can be quite beautiful! And to prove that to you we want to share a video from SciFri, highlighting the work of the artist Craig Ward who decided to explore this beautiful world of bacteria on none other than the New York Subway!

Via: SciFri 3

See, bacteria isn’t all gross! If Craig’s work interested you at all I suggest you check out the interactive map he mentioned from the PathoMap Project. Or, if you are more interested in the artsy side of bacteria, go check out the Instagram of Tasha Sturm, the scientist who posted the photo of her son’s handprint that inspired Craig Ward’s bacteria work. Her images are a stunning example of how beautiful the “gross” things in life can be if you take a second to appreciate them!


Bacteria as an Art Form?

An MIT scientist studying how bacteria can detect cancer is teaming up with an artist to make living art. The results and their story are fascinating!


At home with bacteria

Now, back to those good bacteria. Bacteria are everywhere, creating their own ecosystems from your gut to your kitchen, and each one (like those subway stations) has its own unique fingerprint!

The University of Oxford decided to take a different route with their studies of bacteria. Their idea was simple but profound: take experiments out of the lab and let people experiment with the microbiomes in their own homes. So, instead of coming up with questions they wanted to be answered, the researchers turned to their community of volunteers to see what questions they had about the microbiome in their own kitchens.

Here’s how the study played out…

Via: University of Oxford 4

So, are you thinking a bit differently about bacteria yet?

Whether through creating art or by bringing scientific research home, making the microbial world visible helps us to understand it better, to fear it less, and come to appreciate how rich our worlds are because of the bacteria around us. Like us, they have complex and fascinating lives that impact the world around them. We have a lot to thank them for!