This Art Was Created by Bugs!

“Innovation is taking two things that already exist and putting them together in a new way.” –Tom Freston

If you work it right, what you love to do will continue to transform over the course of your life. For Steven Kutcher, his love for bugs has found its way into different professions in the stages of his life’s work!

Now, stay with us—even if bugs aren’t entirely up your alley, let’s just see how this artist (who has brought bugs into some of your favorite movies) has managed to bring his passion into all corners of his life. His innovative ways may be something we can all apply to our own lives!


The gentleman we’re meeting in the video below was a self-proclaimed “bug lover” growing up. Steven Kutcher developed a fascination and love for bugs at a young age. They became his life, quite literally, as he’s made a career of them for many years—as an entomologist caring for and the insects for films like Hocus Pocus, Jurassic Park, We Bought a Zoo and Matilda (more on that later).

But due to the development of computer-generated imagery (CGI), the need for real bugs in movies has decreased. So he looked somewhere else. A friend suggested to Steven that he make art with his multi-legged friends… and what they came up with is absolutely beautiful.

Here’s a quick intro from Super Deluxe:

Via: Super Deluxe 1

One of the beautiful opportunities of our era is that you can look at your library of interests and come up with something completely unique; something for you. And then find a niche in the world that might need your talents in that arena.

After studying businesses, I’ve learned that there are usually byproducts of what you’re already doing that might be tremendously valuable to you or someone else. Whether you’ve collected years of insights in a particular field and you begin a blog, or you utilize the waste from your profession and turn it into energy, there’s always another innovation to be made from what you’ve created if you stand back and look.

So whatever’s happening in your life… could there be another outcome you can create?

Image: Steven standing in front of Dancing Beetle. Courtesy of Steven Kutcher.

Steven standing in front of Dancing Beetle.
Courtesy of Steven Kutc

A Darkling Beetle making tracks.
Courtesy of Steven Kutcher

Bromeliad No. 1 no.113 Zophobas grubs (a.k.a. Super Worms) 
Courtesy of Steven Kutcher

Image: Steven Kutcher painting outside of the Peabody Essex Museum

Steven Kutcher painting outside of the Peabody Essex Museum 
Courtesy of Steven Kutcher

The bugs in action!

This short video from 2010 gives us a more in depth look at how these art pieces are made! Steven Kutcher walks us through the inspiration behind wanting to paint with insects, to the application (and removal) of pigment to the insect and how the insect makes the designs. It’s fascinating! Take a look.

Via: Steven Kutcher 2

You can see more of Steven’s beautiful work and video links by visiting his website,, and