Breakfast at Giraffe Manor

n a sprawling 150 acre estate in Kenya, an amazing story of conservation is happening in an effort to save one of the world’s most soulful creatures: The Rothschild’s Giraffe.

Image: Giraffe's poking their heads into the windows of Giraffe Manor during breakfast

Source: Seeker Stories

Giraffe Manor is an unusual hotel outside Nairobi that supports an associated Giraffe Centre, which is home to a number of endangered Rothschild giraffes. The goal is to save the future of this remarkable animal, by eventually reintroducing breeding pairs back into the wild.

One of the most unique aspects of this endeavor is the gentle nature of these giants. Turns out giraffes are remarkably well-suited in temperament when it comes to mixing with guests!

It’s really an example of the best kind of out-of-the-box thinking in conservation around the world. Take a look at this incredible video, brought to us by Seeker Stories!

Via: Seeker Stories 1

Thanks to the YouTube channel Seeker Stories, we have a beautiful look at this unique example of creative problem-solving. Have you checked out Seeker Stories? You may find more inspiration there than you would ever imagine. They are doing a great job creating beautiful videography while bringing us a personal look at innovators from unusual corners of the globe.

Now I would have loved to see much more about Giraffe Manor. I was left with so many questions. So I doubled down on my effort to get us a little more information.

Unfortunately, I found no end to the pirated and selfie videos, but I did find this nice piece by PBS. The video quality is not as good because it was made about 10 years ago, but the information really helps fill in the gaps!

Enjoy a little more wonder!

Via: PBS 2

Now we realize that conservation purists may mock this concept with its many imperfections when it comes to this particular way to solve a conservation problem. But I suspect it was time to do something – albeit imperfect – if there are only 200 Rothchild’s Giraffes left in the world.

And where are we at when it comes to this matter of imperfect conservation solutions?

Of course, we’d all like to have more wilderness set aside for all the precious wild things on this planet, as long as it doesn’t mean having jaguars, wolves, and elephants in our own backyards.

So how do we conserve what is left of the marvels of nature, while preserving a way of life for people near beautiful, wild places?

It’s a problem we can solve if we nurture compassion and ingenuity in our youth! Let’s get on that!

Stay open, curious and optimistic.

~ Dr. Lynda