The Secret Life of the Snowy Owl

What if we could experience the life some of the planet’s most secretive creatures firsthand?

What would it be like to see what they saw? Sit where they sat? Talk to the people they ran into along the way?

Image: a snowy owl looking like its laughing. the secret life of the snowy owl

Source: Nemodus Photos // Flickr

These don’t have to be hypothetical questions anymore. Back in 2013, an explosion in the mysterious Snowy Owl population expanded the species’ migration range deep into the United States, allowing scientists to place trackers on many individuals.

This data allowed scientists a look into the secret life of the snowy owl!

The awesome YouTube channel Skunk Bear (go check them out!) decided to follow one bird’s migration route and check out the stops he made along the way!

So, let’s head out in search of Baltimore, the snowy owl…

Via: Skunk Bear: Science From NPR 1