The Breathtaking Seasons of Norway

It’s not often that we get a chance to sit and really observe and absorb the beauty of nature. Join us as we pause and let the natural world speak for a moment from one of the Earth’s most lovely places.

Image: Northern lights in the seasons of norway

Source: Claudia Regina

On this edition of Saturdays Around the World, we head to Norway to witness nature at its most beautiful. We take a moment to appreciate how awe inspiring the natural world can be.

The video we are sharing with you today is so visually striking that I want to limit our introduction here and let you dive right into it!

See you on the other side!

Via: Morten Rustad 1

We live on a beautiful and extraordinary planet, don’t we?

I watch something like this and am left with an overwhelming desire to explore the natural world around me. To take the time to fully appreciate how remarkable my surroundings are.

The Passion Behind the Project

As you know, we love to celebrate the people behind marvels like the video we just showed you. Learning about the dedication, the creativity, and the hard work that this kind of video takes is such a wonderful reminder of the great people that are out there proving it’s still an amazing world every day!

Take a moment to see a behind the scenes view of Seasons of Norway and its creator, Morten Rustad.

Via: Morten Rustad 2

If you want to see more behind the scenes videos, head over to Morten’s YouTube channel where he has a great series of videos that show you how much painstaking work went into creating the final video.

We are so fortunate to share this planet with creators like Morten Rustad. They help to remind us how marvelous and unique our planet really is.

I hope that, like me, today’s video inspired you to pause and enjoy the natural wonders around you!

Stay beautiful & keep laughing!