Here’s Where Your Mushrooms Come From!

Although mushrooms have a love for the dark, we shouldn’t be left in it when it comes to matters of how our food gets to us.

So we’re going to explore the fascinating process of how those mushrooms you picked up at the supermarket are grown, harvested, and made it onto your plate!

Whether they’re in your stir-fry, pasta, or topping your favorite pizza, these spongy fungi friends are a staple in diets around the world. But how many of us actually know how they’re produced?

Did you know that they’re actually the fruitbody of a fungus?

The wonderful series, How Does it Grow?from True Food TV brings us to Pennsylvania, where the majority of the United States’ mushrooms are grown! Let’s take a look inside the process…


Did you know that was what happens!

There’s so much about our food and the way we grow it that a lot of us just aren’t in the know about.

I sat down and binge-watched the majority of Season 1 and Season 2 (and honestly, a bit of Season 3 as well) of How Does it Grow? before writing this article, and there were aspects that blew my mind with every single episode. From asparagus to peachesbell peppersgarliccranberries, and potatoes, there’s something about your favorite foods to discover. (Seriously, did you know that nectarines are really just peaches without fuzz? Because I didn’t.)

Knowing the story behind our food only increases our appreciation for it, as well as the people who work to bring it to our tables.

Okay, back to the fungus.

It’s everywhere. And can be used for so many things! If you want a taste of how truly amazing it is, all you have to do is click one of the following articles.