Eight of the Rarest, Cutest Animals on Earth

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to be apathetic when we are told we are losing something that is abstract, like our liberty, time, or opportunity?

Source: Eric Kilby // Flickr, Wikimedia CommonsMathias Appel // Flickr

That same kind of unconscious nonchalance may be at the helm when we hear about “endangered species” so frequently.

Today we point you to a remarkably interesting and concise video by the wonderful YouTube channel Great Big Storythat will carve out a little niche in your heart.

If you have not been poking around documentaries and YouTube channels about wildlife, you may never have heard or seen these eight exquisite gems from the animal world, and the video will feel like a gift of discovery.

Here’s a lovely way to appreciate Mother Nature’s flair for design:

Via: Great Big Story 1

Perhaps it’s time to make these precious wonders more than an abstract cause in our lives, especially if we want generations to be able to say, “It’s still an amazing world!” (Our motto here at Ever Widening Circles.)

I did a little homework for us in that light, and found an excellent page on the fabulous website called Charity Navigator. Are you familiar with their work? They have become the most respected source for information about the credibility and effectiveness for almost any charity you could ever want to support.

Head to their page for Animals and Wildlife Conservation and you’ll see how it works. There, you’ll find their ratings for charities that say they do the best work. If you look at the “details” link under each, you can find just how they evaluate every organization. It’s a fascinating and important resource for us all.

Don’t forget to check out the Great Big Story channel if you are of a curious nature. You can get lost in their insightful content, and we don’t know how they do it, but they are constantly turning out carefully researched videos on everything under the sun.

Image: Solitary Daisy reaching for the sunEditor’s Special Note:

Thank you for your patience over the past week. If you are a regular visitor to EWC, you may have noticed some random, un-linked, or even partially written articles have wound up in your inbox, and we are noticing small glitches in things like citations that have been struck through.

All this is part of our growing pains. Things will be back to normal very soon, and they are going to get even better!

We just took on a new web-developer who is going to help us create a remarkable Ever Widening Circles, Version Three: a newly designed website full of even more wonder and enhanced experiences for our visitors.

In fact, there are lots of things to celebrate here at EWC. We have just hired our first administrative assistant and formal intern/editor.

Thank you for helping us prove:

Image: Collage of EWC pics

Hang tight and as always: stay open, curious and optimistic!

~ Dr. Lynda