Do You Have a Creative Genius?

Could changing the way we talk about creativity change our perspective on how it functions? If we accept it as an inconsistent force, could we change the way we approach creative processes?

Elusive Creative Genius

Source: IMGUR

After the wild success of her book Eat, Pray, Love, author Elizabeth Gilbert began to speak out about the nature of genius, and the source of creativity. In her 2009 TED Talk on this subject, she discusses the sources of our creative inspiration and gives us a new way of looking at the creative mind.

This TED Talk is one of my favorites. It has changed the way I approach my work irrevocably!

Via: TED 1

Is there an elusive creative genius?

So, maybe you aren’t convinced there are creative forces floating around the world, but there is something to be said about the out of body experience artistmusicianswriters, and athletes sometimes feel when they are producing their best work or playing their best game.

Something to ponder!

If you are looking for a little more creative inspiration, check out this great video on how you can boost your creativity. It might just put you in the right mood to catch that elusive creative spark when it comes along!
